About Us

Our Store
Sugar Grove Growers offers what you need to prepare meals for the week from seasonal produce, to spices and dry goods.
We also offer what you want. Find fresh breads, handmade candy, and snacks. Check out some of our other specialty items like local raw honey and our favorite Rada knives.
How We Got Started
Sugar Grove Growers began in 1979 when Bill and Ellyn Theobald moved to Troy, MO – the “country,” to sink their hands into the dirt. They passed their love of growing to their son Bob Theobald, now President of Sugar Grove Growers.

These days, husband and wife team Bob and Alana run the business (with Bill offering unbridled wisdom each and every day). Bob can be found at the farm most days, growing the plants and seasonal produce sold at Sugar Grove Growers. You’ll find Alana at the store. She loves working with customers – sharing cooking & gardening advice. She even created a Facebook VIP community to help customers online: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sugargrovegrowers
When Bob & Alana met, they were surprised they had similar upbringings. Alana also grew up in the greenhouse business. She spent her springs and summers working with her parents at their business – Jan’s Plants in St. Charles County. Growing is hard, dirty work and certainly not for everyone! Their shared experiences resulted in them coming together to make a great team.
From Bob & Alana, “We’re proud to be carrying on our parent’s legacy by continuing to serve our area with locally grown plants and fresh food!”